Соболезнования Посла Индии в Москве П.Ш. Рагхавана

Е.П. Посол Индии в Москве Пунди Шринивасан Рагхаван высказал соболезнования в связи с кончиной академика О.М. Белоцерковского:

July 17, 2015

Dear Academician Fortov,

It was with much sadness that I learnt of the passing away of Academician Oleg Belotserkovsky.

We know of Belotserkovsky’s distinguished scientific carrier, his contribution to research in Physics, particularly hydrodynamics, and his outstanding record in leading prominent scientific institutions in the country including the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

We also know Academician Belotserkovsky as a remarkable human being; a dear and admired friend of India. He was a pillar of our bilateral scientific cooperation. For many years, Indian and Russian scientists enjoyed his strong support as the coordinator of computers and electronics for our bilateral long-term programme of Science & Technology cooperation. His untiring efforts to promote our science & technology linkages led to the formation of the Russian-Indian Centre for Advanced Computing Research.

We will always remember Academician Belotserkovsky with deep respect. I would like to convey heartfelt condolences on behalf of the Indian scientific fraternity and on my own behalf to the bereaved family as well as to the Russian scientific community, which has lost a valuable resource.

With regards
Yours sincerely,
P.S. Raghavan